This tutorial shows how to draw anime and manga style snowfall, rain, and wind. Each one is broken down into a pace past pace caption.

Anime weather effects drawing
Anime weather furnishings drawing

Various weather effects are very common and very important to anime and manga. They can assist create a sure scene, prepare a particular mood or evidence what season information technology is.

This tutorial shows some tricks you can utilize for drawing better looking scenes using weather furnishings and suggests what types of scenes you may wan to use them for.

How to Describe Anime Snow Step by Step

anime snow drawing step by step
anime snowfall drawing stride by pace

Snow is probably the easiest effect in this tutorial. Large slow falling snowflakes like the ones in this example are very common in scenes that set a holiday or romantic mood.

Stride 1 – Draw the Largest Snowflakes

Anime foreground snowflakes drawing
Anime foreground snowflakes drawing

Beginning by offset drawing the larger and medium sized snowflakes distributing them through the drawing area. The shapes you draw for these tin be fairly random simply effort and go along them somewhat shine without jagged edges.

These will be the "foreground" snowflakes. Meaning that they will exist larger because they are closer to the viewer. The reason why this is important volition be explained a trivial bit later in the tutorial.

Footstep two – Add More Medium Sized Snowflakes

Anime snowflakes drawing
Anime snowflakes drawing

Add some more medium sized snow flakes to the cartoon to fill out the foreground. Draw some of them in small clusters around the larger flakes and some in various places on their ain. The goal is to try and make the falling snow wait natural so effort and avoid drawing snowflakes that are too evenly spaced/sized/shaped.

Step 3 – Describe the Background Snowflakes

Anime snow drawing
Anime snow cartoon

Finally draw some really small snowflakes to make full the empty areas between the larger ones. These will be the "background" snowflakes.

Drawing a Graphic symbol in a Snowfall Scene

Anime girl in snow drawing
Anime girl in snow drawing

At present if you desire to draw an actual character with the snowfall scene (describe them before the snow) similar in the above example the foreground/background snowflakes become a trivial more important. Y'all will want to draw the larger snowflakes from the get-go two steps in front of the grapheme while the modest background snowflakes should be subconscious behind them. This will give your drawing some depth.

Another thing to note is that by and large you volition want to describe the falling snow on a darker groundwork and make the snowflakes white without night outlines around them. You tin outline the snowflakes when y'all first draw them just so just blend the outlines into the background when you shade or color around them. If you are drawing digitally then just draw the snowflakes over acme of the scene. Y'all tin besides alternatively do this on newspaper with white non transparent pigment or a white correction pen.

For tutorials that evidence how to describe an anime grapheme in iii/four view like to the one in the example see:

  • How to Draw an Anime Female Face up 3/4 View
  • How to Draw Anime Pouting Face up Tutorial

How to Draw Anime Rain Step past Step

anime rain drawing step by step
anime rain drawing step past step

Drawing rain is somewhat similar to the previous instance of drawing snow but with some small differences.

Heavy rainfall in anime and manga is often used to create more dramatic scenes. These tin can be both positive and negative. For case it can be a grapheme walking solitary in the rain afterward something bad happens or a dramatic confession.

Step 1 – Draw the Foreground Raindrops

Anime foreground raindrops drawing
Anime foreground raindrops drawing

Start past drawing out the larger to medium sized raindrops and distributing them somewhat evenly throughout the cartoon area. Draw most of the drops a chip more "lesser heavy" with narrower tops. Brand some drops fairly long and others much shorter. Similar to the snowfall these volition be the "foreground" drops.

Step 2 – Add More than the Medium Sized Raindrops

Anime rain drops drawing
Anime rain drops cartoon

Draw in some more than smaller sized/shorter drops. Also draw a few of the drops sort of breaking upward into several parts to give them even more variety.

Step 3 – Describe the Background Raindrops

Anime rain drawing
Anime rain drawing

To finish the rain drawing add together the "groundwork" raindrops every bit simply lines of varying length.

information technology should besides be noted that quite often rain in anime and manga is drawn entirely with simply a single line for each drop. This is as well an option that you lot can utilize if you lot prefer to. However in shut up scenes like the i below larger more than detailed raindrops will usually make for a better looking drawing.

Cartoon a Character in the Rain

Anime girl in rain drawing
Anime girl in rain cartoon

If y'all want to describe an anime/manga grapheme in the rain then draw them earlier the drops. Similar to the example of the snow the pocket-sized background raindrop should be hidden behind them. You can draw the larger drops actually hitting the grapheme and making picayune splashes as shown to a higher place.

Like snowflakes raindrops tend to look better drawn in white on a dark background. Unlike the snowflakes y'all can depict the large raindrops with but a white outline without needing to fill in the entire thing.

If you are drawing using pencil and newspaper it tin can be too much work shading around the outline of each drop and then either draw them with night outlines or become a white correction pen and add them in over top of your pencil drawing.

For a detailed explanation of drawing wet anime hair like in the example meet:

How to Depict Wet Anime Hair Pace by Step

For drawing blush come across:

How to Describe Anime & Manga Blush in Different Means

How to Draw Anime Wind Step by Step

anime wind drawing step by step
anime air current drawing step by step

Wind is probably a little more than circuitous to "prove" in comparing to rain and snowfall. As you tin't really see it yous will accept to add some sort of objects into the scene being blown around to testify it. These can be just about annihilation merely leaves, petals, paper or feathers are adequately common.

Wind has many applications in anime and manga. Some scenes can be dramatic like a character struggling trying to walk against it in a heavy snowstorm. Some can be romantic similar scarlet blossoms in a leap breeze.

The example in this tutorial applies more to the latter.

Step 1 – Draw the Front Wind Streams

Anime wind flow lines foreground
Anime current of air menstruum lines foreground

To make it look more than like wind and not just like falling leaves or petals draw the objects along a sort of paths or wind streams. You tin either brand some light lines similar to the instance to help guide and depict the leaves/petals over top of these or merely motion picture them in your head.

Anime foreground wind leaves drawing
Anime foreground wind leaves drawing

For the sake of this tutorial nosotros will depict some somewhat abstract looking objects that tin can exist either petals or leaves.

Start by cartoon the foreground and/or closer background leaves. Basically only draw the larger streams of wind commencement.

Step 2 – Draw the Farther Dorsum Wind Streams

Anime wind flow lines middle
Anime wind catamenia lines eye

Add more lines for more wind streams that will exist farther in the background.

Anime wind leaves drawing
Anime wind leaves cartoon

Draw the farther dorsum leaves leaves/petals along those equally well.

Pace 3- Draw the Background Wind Streams

Anime wind flow lines
Anime wind flow lines

Finally add the very far dorsum streams of wind. Y'all tin again optionally get-go draw them out with lines equally in the example.

Anime wind drawing
Anime wind drawing

All of the leaves should vary slightly in size but the leaves in the background should on average exist the smallest.

Drawing a Graphic symbol in the Wind

Anime girl in wind drawing
Anime girl in wind cartoon

Same as for the rain and snow if you wish to draw a graphic symbol in the wind you should depict them before the objects.

For this example simply the largest stream of leaves/petals is in front of the character the 2nd largest ones is right behind her . The residue are farther in the background.

With the addition of the characters hair also waving in the wind the higher up motion-picture show actually conveys the idea that this is actually wind blowing and not just falling leaves/petals.

For drawing anime pilus blowing in the current of air run into:

How to Draw Anime Pilus Bravado in the Wind


Weather condition effects such every bit snow, rain and air current are very common in anime and manga. They are likewise not very difficult to depict though it may be a little fourth dimension consuming depending on the amount of detail you want to put into drawing each snowflake/raindrop/foliage/petal, etc… Hopefully you enjoyed this tutorial.

For other tutorials on things related to anime and manga see:

  • How to Describe Explosions, Smoke & Fire Step by Footstep
  • How to Draw Manga Spoken language Bubbles Tutorial
  • How to Draw Anime Style Food & Lunchbox